Sunday, November 23, 2008

How I knew I was Pregnant

Ok, yeah the positive pregnancy test was a huge indication that I was, actually, knocked up. But there was a reason I made that fateful early morning excursion to Rite Aid, sans children. And I wasn't readly that late - my period has had it's own time table for awhile now so a day or 2 off schedule really doesn't cause me too much sweat.
No, the real reason I dropped nearly $20 on a pack of 3 tests (to be sure!) was I knew I was pregnant. I felt, well, different. Cigs tasted horrible. I was exhausted and my abdomen ached like I had been doing crunches (where I had surely not been doing any sort of exercise whatsoever).
So now I sit on the bed, watching Balls of Fury, belly already sticking out. I took a bath before (nope, not too hot - tepidly warm per all pregnancy instructions read in periodicals and the internet) and was noticing that it had been a while since my belly got bigger but my belly button actually got more shallow and not deeper! Score!
Was tough accepting this pregnancy, pretty much figured that part of my life was over and looking forward to more and more self-sufficiency from the children. But now that it's here I am pretty happy.
And did I tell you I think this one is a boy? Same thing as the knowing I was pregnant - just a gut thing. But I trust it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 8 Already!

Wow time flies when you are spending most of it with a headache, asleep or vomiting! We have just started our 8th week - nearly one quarter of the way through. Holy cow! I am so not ready to be a momma for a little one again! Thank you Grandma Dru and Dru's Wife's Mom for the maternity clothes because I am so big already. Here is the baby details:

This week, your little tadpole is starting to look a little bit more human. Other exciting developments include:

Your baby's eyelids, ears, upper lip and the tip of his soon-to-be adorable button nose are forming.

Junior will also sprout webbed fingers and toes this week—which you'll be well aware of in a few months, as baby starts early gymnastics classes inside you.

Baby's tiny heart has separated into four distinct chambers and is really ticking now—at a rate of 150 beats per minute. That's more than twice your resting heart rate (even when Brad Pitt is on the screen).

Your baby is now a little more than ½ inch long, about the size of the rock in Eva Longoria's engagement ring, and is about as heavy as the check Tony Parker wrote to pay for it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blog Change

With the 2 new readers, that makes it 4 including Daddy Dru and Mommy Dru, I have decided to get rid of my selfish ways and changed the Background to make it easier for you all to read it. Okay honestly, Mommy Dru forced me to. Hey I am one to talk about Compromise when there is a difference of opinion as a married couple. However with the whole changes in hormones and the fact that MommyDru is always "tye red" It is not worth fighting about. So I hope you enjoy the new background and it is now easier for GrandmaDru to read ;)
Anyway this week has been pretty uneventful. However yesterday was a very rough day from MommyDru getting sick all day and a Migraine. Luckily today she woke up with new energy.
We are also talking about Names with the girls already. I have heard a lot of names already:
If twins boy and girl I want Marshal and Lilly
If twin Boys I like Marshal and Ted
If Twin Girls I like Robyn and Lilly
If a Boy Barney
If a Girl Dru
What do you think?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Food Cravings

The girls were asking me last night if I was craving any specific foods. No, not pickles and ice cream. Luckily for me and my children I tend to crave good for you stuff (although with #1 I couldn't get enough Sour Patch Kids and with #2 it was Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips). So I have been drinking a lot of V8 and eating fruit salad and having tuna fish sandwiches. For dinner tonight I had (probably too much) plain yogurt with honey and cheerios. It's delicious!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dru's Wife Christmas List

Well Christmas is right around the corner and I like the idea of stuff built with Daddy Dru love for Baby Dru. I also found something on

14k White or Yellow Gold Channel Set Diamond Eternity Band (3 cttw, H-I Color, SI2 Clarity)

Other products by Collection
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new arrival
List Price: $5,925.00-$6,600.00
Price: $3,599.99 - $3,999.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details

Look honey - the item SHIPS FREE!! :) I love you Daddy Dru xoxoxoxox.

Christmas List

So Christmas is right around the corner and I have been wanting to get into the Woodworking hobby. After visiting Home Depot many times this weekend I have come up with a great Christmas Present for BabyDru. I need some woodworking tools. This way all the new furniture that we are going to need for BabyDru can be built with 100% love by DaddyDru.
Do you think my wife will go for this?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Announcement to other Kids

So we announced to the other 4 children that belong to us and the 2 that stay in our house. That went over kind of how I expected it would. The oldest of the herd did surprise me. You think being Twelve and having 5 other kids in the house younger than her would make her think, "OHHH, Crap another pain in the ass that will keep barging into my room while I am talking on the phone with my friends."
Well, to our surprise she had a smile from ear to ear and was very excited about that. I did ask her about what she though about another little sister in the house and she said, "Can't it be a boy this time?"
The two girls in the middle were also very excited about the new member of our family. I can just see them telling everyone in the school right now. However, I do not think the 4 year is taking it to well. She had a look on her face where I could only imagine her thinking, "Why in the hell would you want another one when you have the perfect child right here." Well, being the baby is a hard position to give up. There will be a lot of talking about this to her.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wow, I feel huge already (Dru's Wife)

I know that seems silly since I am really only 5-6 weeks pregnant. But my clothes already feel tight and my belly feels hard. I saw a billboard with a fully pregnant woman and I thought - holy cow - I will look like that soon? I have not been pregnant for 7 years. And I am starting to remember all the little things; liking frequent urination, being really hungry when I wake up, and the inability to tie my shoes. I am also remembering the good stuff too, like feeling a connection with the baby inside of you and watching your body move with the babies movements. It's all such a miracle. I look at pictures of baby Dru now and can't believe that in 9 short months this grouping of cells and skin layers will soon be a cooing, smiling, crying, sleeping, nursing, wetting, fascinating creature for us to love.

Here's what is happening with Baby Dru this week:
Your baby is 1/17 of an inch long - about the size of the tip of a pen.

This week, your baby's heart and circulatory system are taking shape. Your baby's blood vessels will complete a circuit, and his or her heart will begin to beat. Although you won't be able to hear it yet, the motion of your baby's beating heart may be detected with an ultrasound exam.

With these changes, blood circulation begins - making the circulatory system the first functioning organ system.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

this is dru's wife

I am using my phone to post this as I wait to attend the 7 year olds parent teacher conference. I am also excited about the baby and I am already starting to feel full in my clothes. I am hoping for a boy because that will be new for everyone. I am excited about telling the girls in the nearish future. I hope the baby is healthy because as dru is always telling me I am old. I know dru will be a great dad because he already is 1. I am glad I quit smoking and I wish I was not so tired all the time.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Family of Baby Dru

This will not be my first baby and this will not be my wife's first baby. But this is our first baby. I do have two daughters and my wife has two daughters.
We will have a His, Hers and Theirs situation with a total of 5 children. All of them living with us. I do have custody of both my daughters and my wife splits equal time with her ex-husband.
4 daughters... Although I have always wanted daughters, there is nothing better than the father daughter relationship, do I want a boy or a girl????
Help me decide!!!

New Blog for exciting time

I just want to get the first post out...
Me and my lovely wife have found out today that we are going to have a baby. She is not far along at all. We do not have the first OB/GYN appointment until Early Dec.
She just got back from the Dr. Appointment with the Positive result.

I am so excited about the new Baby Dru...