Thursday, February 26, 2009

Never had to think of Boy Names before??

So since my wife spilled the beans most of the readers here have also found out that the baby is going to be a Boy. I am finally going to have a Testosterone producing member of the family.
I am very excited, however, I have never had to think of boy Names... Anyone have some suggestions? I like uncommon names since My last name is the 4th most common in the country.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wife is taking away the fun of this!!!

So yesterday I threw a little cliff hanger out there. We now know what we are having and I refuse to tell you all. However, My wonderful wife will not let me have my fun, she has posted the answer to this question as a status update on her Facebook profile. So if you are friends with her you know that we are excited to have another baby and that baby is going to be... Crap, I just can't spill the beans since I do have so many friend out there that have yet to meet my wonderful wife. Incase you are wondering I will not spill the beans untill I know certain people like GG (Great-Grandma) knows.
Enjoy, everyone.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Poll Results

The last Poll was fixed... I am sure it is. Holli went to all of her friends and had them vote to find out what the baby is going to be. I went to all of my friends to have them vote, however, I realized more people like her than me. Even my friends wouldn't back me up...
So we had the Ultra Sound today that would have given us the ability to learn the sex of the baby. I fought and fought with her about not finding out and letting it be a surprise. In the end the Technician asked if we wanted to know. Holli's answer was a depressing, "No."
I left the room to grab my Mother and Oldest Daughter so they could come in and watch, both of which were on Holli's side of finding the sex out of the baby and both of which have never seen an Ultra sound before.
When I walked in the room I excitedly said, "We want to find out the sex." Yes this is because your vote does count here at Baby Dru...
So the Ultrasound started and I realized that I could actually point things out, I am becoming a pro. Along with certain things being said from my mother like, "How can you tell what you are looking at," and from my daughter, "it looks like an Orange, or it looks like a monkey"
We did sit there the whole time watching this ultrasound and have found out that so far this baby is going to be healthy and the sex will be...
You didn't really think I was going to tell you did you!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nature vs. Nurture

This is a topic that has always interested me and to be honest I have always used my daughter as an example. For some reason with a new baby on the way I have been paying more attention to this. My oldest has seen her mother once in the past 11 years. This would lead me to believe that there would be very little things about her that would be like her mother.
However, I do see things about her but I am starting to understand that there is a difference between Nature and Nurture when it comes to qualities that your child posses.
With a new baby on the way I have been looking at all four of our kids and try to take out the Nature aspect that is provided in those children by the parents that are not involved in the new baby, in other words the Ex’s traits. Then I look at my wife and my traits and then our child raising abilities. I think I am getting a good picture of what the baby is going to be like.
1. Very Good Looking (this is all because my looks never show up in my kids and my wife is very good looking.
2. Very Smart, we are talking about Doogie Howser here. Again this is because my traits don’t show up in my children.
3. Athletic and coordinated. Both of us like sports and sport participation.
4. Shy, yes this is the only trait that shows up in my kids that they get from me.

So, my fortune telling is going to say that this child is going to be a good looking professional sports player that wins the Nobel Peace Prize but calls in sick to accept the award because he/she doesn’t like crowds.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Youngest to Oldest

I was about to turn 22 when my first Daughter was born. She is now about to turn 13 and I have another baby getting ready to download in July. The other day me and Meg (the 13 year old) were talking. She was reminding me that all of her friends parents are older than me. She keeps telling me that I am very young to have a 13 year old and I may not be the youngest parent in her class but I am pretty close. Although, I believe that for a lot of people 21 was to young to have a child. Most people are not set in their career and do not have the proper savings and ability to work out the difficulties of being a parent when they are only 21. I however never say I wasn't ready. I may have been a little immature but I was looking for an excuse to go to the movies and watch the new Disney Movie coming out. I have a huge collection of Cartoons on VHS (yes this was before DVD's). I may have been new to my Career but it was stable and I was already moving up the ladder. I had full Medical benefits and a nice two bedroom apartment. I was ready and I believe that was a great time to have a child for me.
Meg informed me that I am 34 years old with a wife that is older and although when this baby is in 7th grade like her I will be 47 with a wife over 50. I can not imagine what that is going to be like. I am going to go from one of the youngest Parents to one of the oldest Parents.
I was thinking about this last night while I couldn't sleep. This does not seam as bad as I thought. My new son or daughter is going to be 16 when I am 50. That just means my baby will be learning to drive while taking me to the Doctors, or taking me on my sunday drive away from the nursing home. Okay, your right that is exagerating a little. I do realize that I will still be working. All of my children will be out of the house and out of College when I reach my eligibility to retire (57 with the plan I have now but hopefully sooner) I realize, My career is full forward and still moving. My House is big enough for another little moster running around. My wife's Career is to the point that she can make her schedule to include important things that may come up. And most importantly, I am still immature enough to want to go see the newest Disney Movie. I may be one of the older parents with this new baby but I believe I am still as ready and able to be a parent that I was when the other ones were born.
Now maybe I will get my son???